Conceived as a response to the call for submissions by the Hektoen Institute of Medicine in Chicago, IL for a COVID 19 Memorial, The Nose that rejects the notion that monuments must be frozen in time. Employing landscape and natural elements as a primary medium, this land artwork speaks to our altered sense of time and functions both as an interpretive monument and restorative park space. The proposal elevates dynamic and ever-changing nature as an equivalently appropriate medium for monumentation as traditional sculpture.

Recounting the new wave of public park use brought on by the pandemic, The Nose is meant to offer solace and healing. As a “sacred park space”, The Nose serves to honor sacrifice and remember lost lives while performing as a living reminder of collective resilience in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. Honoring those who continued to brave the uncertainty of the Coronavirus means appreciating how the pandemic brought on a shared sense of humanity. The human body is complex, fragile and surprisingly resilient. A facial feature that has been through years of mask wearing, The Nose is meant to celebrate the human body as a symbol of breathing and shared humanity.

the nose